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Ben Roberts-Smith v the media part three: the affair

This article is more than 2 years old

An affair between Ben Roberts-Smith and a witness known to the court as Person 17 is one of the key contested elements of this extraordinary defamation trial. The newspapers as part of their defence allege that Roberts-Smith committed an act of domestic violence against Person 17. He denies this allegation, saying it is a complete fabrication.

In this episode, host Ben Doherty takes us through both sides, detailing the breakdown of Roberts-Smith’s marriage to Emma Roberts and his affair with Person 17. We hear testimony from Roberts-Smith himself, as well as from Person 17 and Emma Roberts – who appear for the newspapers – read by voice actors

You can find all episodes of Ben Roberts-Smith v the media here.

Ben Roberts Smith v the media, part three: the affair features the following actors:

  • Airlie Dodds as the voice of Person 17
  • Nisrine Amine as Emma Roberts
  • Jason Chong as Ben Roberts-Smith
  • Colin Smith as Nicholas Owens SC
  • Dane Carson as Bruce McClintock SC
  • Barry Lee-Pearce as Arthur Moses SC

If hearing about allegations of domestic violence and threatening behaviour raises issues, you can call:

Ben Roberts-Smith v the media podcast episodic artwork
Illustration: Guardian Design/Victoria Hart
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